We use data, in identifying the best players and to benchmark the level of opponents to seperate the potential top players, from the good ones. That is one way to do it, that is our way.

The future use of data in Talent ID
15-20 years ago, there was no scouting done in Denmark and in Scandinavia in general. Time moves on, we all develop, through influence, education and by doing, learning, changing and in the end, finding our own way of doing things.
The use of data in football, is an area that keeps on developing and keeping up with the development is difficult, almost impossible, if you dont understand data or how to use it, for the benefit of your club, the teams and in the ind the individual players and their development. We try in our way of setting up or scouting proces, to work with different phases of scouting, we call it phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 (as shown in the picture)
For us it is a key element in the proces of screening a league in a specific country, a team in a specific league or in the data you can see above, from our scouting done in July / August 2019, where we screened the U13-U14-U15 tournaments in Copenhagen and Brøndby, that we always have the understanding and knowledge about the level, so we can benchmark across leagues, countries, regions and for that matter across europe. To asses each individual player on not only his game performance or potential against the opponents he played against in one particular game, but always having the bigger picture in mind. When we grade a player, we grade him on a 5 scale, as shown in the below grade model.
How to read the data?
When we take a close look on the data, produced by our scouts, it tells us several things:
U13 FC København, had the best team and potentially the most players standing out, compared to its own age group and benchmarked vs the other agegroups (in average grade)
Looking at the three finals played in both Copenhagen and in Brøndby, the average level of the teams (in average grades and leaving out U13 FC København) was better in Brøndby.
The good players that we looked at in the Brøndby cup, played their games at potentially higher level against potentially better opponents.
The good players in the KB-Audi Cup that we looked at, played their games vs potentially lower level opponents, leaving theis assessments with the open question, “how good will the good players standing out be, when they play higher level opponents”?
What do we use it for?
When we define the current level of a player and when we try to asses the potential of how the individual player can develop, having the knowledge about team mates and opponents played against, gives us a good starting point, we when decide, which players to follow closer for our european clients, that we cover both youth and senior tournaments for across Scandinavia.
Find your own way
We do things our way and our advice, from working with scouting and talent identification for a long time is that you need to find your own way of doing things. Using data in the proces, can give you answers, if you know what you are looking for, but it can also give you a lot of questions, you will need to look to find answers for. If you dont know how to read and / or use data, then you might be better of using your time and effort in a better way.
There are many ways to the goal, we have found our way, at the moment and will always look to develop our thoughts and our ways, have you found your way?