The above free scout report is made by one of our scouts Antonio Gugliemi , Antonio is from Italy but is living and scouting based from Lithuania.
The above shown report, is a screenshot, where we have changed the size of the input, on purpose, so it cant be copy pasted and distributed. Our way of working, is that the players highlighted in phase 2, given a grade of 4 or more, will have a player card created or updated, based on the input of this phase 2 report.
If youIf you are interested in receiving the above free report on email, then submit a request below.
Once we have received your request for this free report, we will send it to you.
For us, scouting is about creating a platform of knowledge, about a player, a league, a country, to be able to benchmark, so decisions can be made.
That being able to say, “Sign”, “Follow” and even more important, “Forget”.
Creating a platform of knowledge, is our main focus, our scouts and our scout interns, covers a minimum of around 60-80 games per week, through video scouting, with that one goal of being able to identify players, our clients, afterwards can scout in depth or request our company view on.
We educate our scouts and scout interns, in our way of screening countries, leagues and individual players. So they are able to take decisions, based on knowledge of our clients clubs/teams, what their needs are and if their request is to get a “plug and play player” or a potential development player, that they can develop and prepare over a longer period.
What we do, is not a secret, if you want to see our report template, please have a look above, the report template used, is what we call a phase two template.
We work with three templates, a screening template, which is phase 1, a scouting template, which is phase 2, and a top 3 template, which is phase 3.
If you have questions, comments, or want to find out how we can assist your club or agency in your work, please contact us through mail: contactus@mellemmand.com
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All basic information(full name, year of birth, position and preferred foot) about the players in this report as well as in other reports, is information we find on the clubs websites, federation websites or other football relevant sites, such as transfermarkt, InStat, Wyscout etc.
All our reports in our football scouting database, is based 100% on our scouts individual reports, on a football match, watched either live or through video scouting.