Roger Bongaerts, Academy Director at VVV-Venlo will speak on the “Online 2020 Danish Football Conference”.
The headline of the presentation will be: “Motor Learning & Decision Making in Football”.
Roger comes with great experience, having coaching experience and knowledge from different places in the world. Roger has coached in United States and he has been the head of youth development in VVV-Venlo for more than 16 years. Roger is the owner of the football company called Total Soccer Method and he works as a consultant for football federations around the world, helping them achieving their goals, in building their own way.
Roger will present on Saturday the 12th of December, the headline of the day will be Coaching.
Do you want to know more about the conference or do you want to buy your access to our 2020 Online Conference?
– Go to our website: www.danishfootballconference.com
You can buy access to the full conference, but also for the the different theme days and the individual expert speaker presentations, please go to the conference website, to see what options you have.
Danish Football Conference is organised and hosted by MELLEMMAND
Kenneth Santa
Director of Football